Humming the night was over, but the fatigue did not appear on the face. Still in the old story that precipitated yet again disturbed. Memories that kept popping up while the time was reluctant to stop. Night has become his robes, with one friend who still remain faithful to accompany. I do not know until when. If it is dawn is always covered with black clouds.
He still walked with a candle that is dim and dark gray speckled amid the roar of the wind that infiltrated to the bone marrow. He is still waiting for that figure. The night had been told, but his faith remained firm in his ignorance and stupidity. Shall you not believe O the greeter? Are you aware that inner voice?
My movement just flowed and then lost in the calm water, the wind was only whispered softly, although cool hit but the hot melt and then burn. A long silence of the poem without meaning ...
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